First Baptist Church of Beltsville

Finding Peace with God on the Hilltop of Beltsville


While driving along Kenilworth Avenue this week, I saw a crew installing a sign that announced an upcoming intersection. Was it a large sign? Not at all; it was perhaps 1' x 5' in dimension. Was it a heavy sign? On the contrary; it looked to be approximately 2 lbs. However, the work crew on sight was three men. One was on the ladder bolting the sign to the metal posts, one was holding the ladder, and one was handing the bolts and cordless driver to the installer. There is a word that immediately came to mind: OVERKILL!

Interestingly, the word "Overkill" seems to trace back to the Cold War Era when the USA and USSR were stockpiling massive amounts of nuclear-capable missiles. To use a nuclear weapon on a city is considered to be overkill, however potent the proliferate deterrent might be. Similarly, the three County workers installing a sign would be considered overkill by this writer!

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had the blessing of doing ministry with an overkill number of workers? I have been attending church since birth, and I have been in Christian ministry since 1994, but I have never seen too many workers show up for the Lord's work in the local church. Big churches and small alike struggle with the 90/10 principle: 90% of the work is done by 10% of the people.

Let's beat the numbers this Summer! If you have been considering helping with one of the many needs here in Beltsville, wait no longer. Vacation Bible School, Children's Church, the Men's ministry, and our ongoing outreach programs need YOU. Don't be a 90% person who allows others to do all the Lord's work. Let's shoot for an "Overkill" in workers!